Greetings from St. Anne's Episcopal Church in Conway, South Carolina. I write you in the midst of our second Advent together; may this season fill you with a sense of wonder and renewal.
Today is the birthday of Bishop Philander Chase. Bishop Chase served as Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church from 1846-1852, and is perhaps best known for founding Kenyon College on the Ohio frontier (and feuding with the Episcopal "establishment" back east who didn't think there ought be a seminary in the wilderness). A true pioneering missionary, Chase was often impoverished, even during his time as bishop. For him, Christ's humble nativity was an inspiration:
"If my savior, the Eternal Son of God, humbled himself to our low estate, and, as at this time, was born in a stable and cradled in a manger, to fulfill the will of the Jehovah to save a fallen world, surely I ought not repine if, in the fulfillment of God's will, I am despised for the want of temporal prosperity and grandeur...Jesus, though he had not where to lay his head, by waiting his Father's time and pleasure, was raised to glory, and power, and might, and majesty, and dominion."
We meet on Sundays at 10am at Lackey Chapel on the campus of Coastal Carolina University.
Here's the schedule for Advent:
Sunday, December 15: Eucharist Rite II, Lackey Chapel, 10am
Sunday, December 22: Eucharist Rite II, Lackey Chapel, 10am
Tuesday, December 24: Christmas Service (Rite II), Lackey Chapel, 6pm
Sunday, December 29: Lesson and Carols, Combined Service with The Episcopal Church in Myrtle Beach
(First United Methodist Church Brittain Center, 904 65th Ave N., Myrtle Beach)
Sunday, January 5: Eucharist Rite II, Lackey Chapel, 10am
Sunday, January 12: Eucharist Rite II, Lackey Chapel, 10am (Epiphany)
With a new church year comes a new calendar of ministries, and we are reminded that in the Episcopal Church (and especially at St. Anne's!), the laity are ministers. Please contact Julie Hearn 855-9034 or if you are willing to usher/greet, bear the chalice, lector, or bring refreshments on Sunday mornings. Some ministries require training, but if you express an interest, we'll help you get started.
Thanks to Lynn Smith, we have a special opportunity for ministry this Advent season, as St. Anne's has been asked to provide Christmas gifts for boys at the Waccamaw Youth Center. The boys' needs will be included in our angel tree, so please come to Lackey Chapel on Sunday and "adopt" a child for the holidays. If you cannot come in person and select a name, Lynn will provide you with information if you email her
A ministry to visit those who cannot travel this Christmas is being organized. If you know of an individual that will be in our area but not able to be home with their family this Christmas or home but not able to get out, please respond to this email with names and contact information. The individuals can be in the hospital, rehab, home-bound, or in any situation where they would welcome a visit and communion.
Last Sunday at our Parish Meeting, Bill Warner and Cathy Battle were elected to serve as delegates to the next Diocesan Convention ( February 21-22). Although Bill and Cathy will formally represent us, it is hoped that many of you will plan to attend the convention, if only to see St. Anne's be formally recognized as a mission church in the diocese (we are now, technically speaking, a lowly "worship group" -- away in a manger, no crib for a bed and all that).
As each congregation is asked to register collectively, please read about the convention here, then reply to this email if you plan to attend.
As a young congregation, we've not yet had time to establish an "Advent Quiet Day," but if you seek some quiet in a season that can sometimes be noisy, try this signed sermon, which requires one to listen very carefully...or not at all.
See you Sunday,
Dan Ennis
Senior Warden
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