Greetings From St. Anne's Episcopal Church! You can find out more about St. Anne's on our website, http://stanneconway. org/, by following us on Facebook, or, ya know, coming to church at 10am this Sunday.
On this day 27 years ago, Desmond Tutu became Archbishop of Capetown, South Africa. Many of Bishop Tutu's sermons and statements are available online, but we can be sufficiently inspired the the words he uttered when he visited Coastal Carolina University in 1999: "Dream, dream, dream God's dream!"
We meet on Sunday at 10am in Lackey Chapel on the campus of Coastal Carolina University.
This Sunday, at the conclusion of the social gathering (about 11:30 am), Bill Warner will be leading a prayer service for those suffering in the Middle East. We'll keep in our thoughts the Coptic Churches of the Middle East, which have made a special request for the prayers of fellow-Christians around the world. Please take some time to participate.
We have three requests that will help us better use Lackey Chapel:
1. Please don't park in the grass; if you are able, park in the new lot, leaving spaces closest to the chapel for the elderly and individuals unloading service items.
2. Leave your kneeler up when you leave, and stack hymnals on the table to the left of the door as you leave.
3. Most importantly, enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.
There are lots of plans for fall, and many opportunities to participate in the life of St. Anne's outside of Sunday morning.
Rebecca Lovelace continues to sign up individuals and families for our small group luncheons. We aim to mix it up a bit so that parishioners can meet and better get to know newcomers. We'd like to keep these small groups low-key in terms of preparation, so if you host you are not expected to feed your whole group.
Students are already signing up for the college ministry (aka "The Canterbury Club"). The campus sponsors (Michael Roberts, Amy Shea, Nelljean Rice and Scott Parker) will be hosting an organizational meeting on campus next week. After that, we'll be calling on the parish to pray for, worship with, and feed these young people. It is also the case that students have been attending our Sunday morning Eucharists. We hope to get them hooked into the college group as well.
We've overcome some technical glitches and now have all the minutes of the Mission Committee meetings online at
Some of you may have noticed the Sun News article about The Episcopal Church in Myrtle Beach. They're off and running!
See You Sunday,
Dan Ennis
Senior Warden
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